Pavel Surynek's Academic Page | SPlan


Author:Pavel Surynek

SPlan is an experimental library for constraint satisfaction problems. It implements basic structures for working with constraint satisfaction problems and several solving and propagation algorithms.

The library can be used as a general purpose solving system, because many problems of practical interest can be solved by the techniques of constraint programming, i.e. they can be transformed into constraint satisfaction problems (this transformation is applicable for example on many problems in planning, scheduling, computer graphics). SPlan was developed to get results of some experiments and performance measures which I need into my diploma thesis (version 0.7 was used in the thesis).

Newer versions (namely version 0.9) of the SPlan library were used to produce experimental result for scientific papers, which I have published on conferences dealing with constraint programming. After the version number 1.0 the SPlan library has been completely revised and rewritten. Versions following version 1.0 reflect experiences from practical use of previous versions.

The library is written in C++, internal data structures are based on Standard Template Library (STL).

Here you can download SPlan:

  • SPlan 1.1.06  Linux/Unix version (source)
  • SPlan 0.9  Linux/Unix version (source)
  • SPlan 0.7  Linux/Unix version (source)

  • Keywords: constraint programming, dynamic problems, arc consistency, automated planning, scheduling