Pavel Surynek's Academic Page | List of News

List of News

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20th Mar 2013
Duties page of Automata and Grammars (NTIN071) has been updated. »»
14th Mar 2013
PC membership of IJCAI 2013 conference. »»
14th Mar 2013
Supervising capacity has been updated. »»
13th Mar 2013
A credit test from Automata and Grammars has been announced. »»
13th Mar 2013
Duties page of Automata and Grammars (NTIN071) has been updated. »»
13th Mar 2013
Duties page of Programming II (NPRM045) has been updated. »»
7th Mar 2013
Duties page of Automata and Grammars (NTIN071) has been updated. »»
6th Mar 2013
Office hours scheduled for the summer term. »»
6th Mar 2013
Students of Programming II (NPRM045) enrolled into the Codex group. »»
6th Mar 2013
Duties page of Programming II (NPRM045) has been updated. »»
4th Mar 2013
The search service has been updated. »»
27th Feb 2013
A Codex group for Programming II (NPRM045) has been created. »»
27th Feb 2013
Duties page of Programming II (NPRM045) has been updated. »»
27th Feb 2013
Duties page of Automata and Grammars (NTIN071) has been updated. »»
25th Feb 2013
The list of supervised theses has been updated. »»
23rd Feb 2013
Seminar on Satisfiability (NAIL092) has been scheduled. »»
23rd Feb 2013
Duties page of Programming II (NPRM045) has been updated. »»
23rd Feb 2013
Duties page of Automata and Grammars (NTIN071) has been updated. »»
16th Feb 2013
Teaching in the summer term is on-line. »»
26th Jan 2013
Duties page of Decision Procedures and Verification (NAIL094) has been updated. »»

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