Pavel Surynek's Academic Page | List of News

List of News

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29th Nov 2010
The progam of the Seminar on Artificial Intelligence (NAIL004) has been updated. »»
29th Nov 2010
A new presentation from the Seminar on Artificial Intelligence (NAIL004) is on-line. »»
28th Nov 2010
Duties page of Logic (NAIL062) has been updated. »»
28th Nov 2010
Duties page of the Seminar on Artificial Intelligence (NAIL004) has been updated. »»
28th Nov 2010
The date of an alternative test from Logic (NAIL062) has been announced. »»
27th Nov 2010
A new revision of the 6th lecture on Decision Procedures and Verification (NAIL094) is on-line. »»
27th Nov 2010
The progam of the Seminar on Artificial Intelligence (NAIL004) has been updated. »»
27th Nov 2010
New articles are on-line in the Publications section (CJS 2010 and CSCLP 2010). »»
22nd Nov 2010
Results of the first test from Logic (NAIL062) are on-line. »»
22nd Nov 2010
Duties page of Logic (NAIL062) has been updated - notice the required activity. »»
22nd Nov 2010
The progam of the Seminar on Artificial Intelligence (NAIL004) has been updated. »»
18th Nov 2010
Duties page of Decision Procedures and Verification (NAIL094) has been updated. »»
18th Nov 2010
5th lecture on Decision Procedures and Verification (NAIL094) is on-line. »»
15th Nov 2010
Duties page of the Seminar on Artificial Intelligence (NAIL004) has been updated. »»
15th Nov 2010
Duties page of Logic (NAIL062) has been updated. »»
15th Nov 2010
Title of the web changed to ACADEMIC PAGE. »»
12th Nov 2010
Topics for Seminar on Artificial Intelligence (NAIL004) have been updated. »»
12th Nov 2010
Two new topics for a project or a thesis are on-line. »»
12th Nov 2010
The progam of the Seminar on Artificial Intelligence (NAIL004) has been updated. »»
10th Nov 2010
A list of visits of foreign institutions has been added to the Activities section. »»

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