
List of All News

10th Jul 2021
New topics again: Screen Hockey, Crazy MAPF, and Automated Gearbox Design.
15th Jun 2021
An interview for TV9 on AI for robotic planning is on Youtube.
26th May 2021
Congratulations on the 1st place of my student Ján Chudý in the SVOÈ 2021 competition.
23rd May 2021
Few new topics posted: Curved MAPF, MAPF Spy, and Collective Construction via SAT/SMT.
11th May 2021
Always a good time for a new topic: Swarm Alert!.
12th Mar 2021
New records in the publications list (IROS 2020, PRIMA 2020, 2x ICTAI 2020, and 2x SMC 2020).
4th Mar 2021
Recently defended theses under my supervision listed (2x MSc., 5x Bc.).
14th Feb 2021
New topics on posted: Motion Capture System and Multi-robot Localization.
13th Feb 2021
Recent reviewing for journals listed (IEEE Access, IEEE Transactions on Computers).
30th Jan 2021
The Intelligent Agents Research Group: new members and new topics.
30th Jan 2021
Happy to supervise new students on various artificial intelligence topics.
29th Jan 2021
A new topic on multi-UAV motion planning: Spy Swarm.
3rd Jan 2021
Watch our video showing discrete planning and continuous execution in the MAPF domain with OZOBOTs (accepted for the AAAI 2021 Demonstrations Program).
3rd Jan 2021
More records of accepted papers to be listed in the publications list (IROS 2020, ICTAI 2020, SMC 2020, and PRIMA 2020).
2nd Jan 2021
Few new records in the publications list (RCAI 2020, ROBOVIS 2020, and KI).
3rd Dec 2020
Program committee member in SoCS 2021.
15th Oct 2020
A new topic I personally would like to work on - Computational Geopolitics.
14th Oct 2020
Student grant project awarded (SGS ÈVUT) for the period 2020 - 2022.
2nd Oct 2020
Senior PC member in AAAI 2021, area chair in IJCAI 2021, and some more PC memberships and reviews (SoCS 2020, WoMAPF 2020, ICTAI 2020, ...).
21st Sep 2020
Office hours for the new winter semester announced.