
List of All News

13th Sep 2020
(Discrete Planning and Complex Acting) or (Continuous Planning and Simple Acting)? Which is better for your thesis?
9th Sep 2020
Drone Display: a new topic for your thesis.
3rd Sep 2020
A fresh topic on Automated Dogfight posted.
24th Jul 2020
New records in the publications list (ICAPS 2020 - Outstanding Paper Award, ICAART 2020, and Vesmír).
23rd Jul 2020
Office hours changed for the summer period (appointment via e-mail).
12th Jun 2020
New topics posted: MAPFR (continuous MAPF) with anonymous agents, Pyramid Builders, and Warehouse Floorplan.
12th May 2020
Almost everything is possible by using SAT: SMT-CBSR for MAPFR (continuous MAPF) with the sum-of-costs objective is finished (as part of the Planck edition of the boOX solver).
27th Apr 2020
Starting on April 27, 2020 I re-start normal in-office work - consultations and meetings are now possible.
22nd Mar 2020
Despite COVID-19 office hours are still scheduled but held via telecom.
13th Mar 2020
Feeling there are too few variants of MAPF: here is a new one MAHPF - Multi-agent Hamiltonian Path Finding
5th Mar 2020
A new topic combining game theory and robotics - Drone Heroes
3rd Mar 2020
The Intelligent Agents Research Group regrouped again - some members finished their theses and some new members arrived.
18th Feb 2020
Office hours for the new semester announced.
15th Feb 2020
New topics for arcade gamers - Multi-Pacman Path Planning (MPPP) and Adversarial Multi-Pacman Planning (AMPP)
26th Jan 2020
Supplementary material for the IJCAI 2019 and AI*IA 2019 papers is on-line
25th Jan 2020
A paper on mutex reasoning in MAPF (jointly with Han Zhang, Jiaoyang Li, Sven Koening, and T. K. Satish Kumar) accepted to ICAPS 2020.
21st Dec 2019
New records in the publications list (ICAART 2019 Selected and AI*IA 2019).
20th Dec 2019
The Intelligent Agents Research Group regrouped - new members.
20th Dec 2019
New students working on artificial intelligence topics under my supervision.
20th Dec 2019
Dean's award for my students Zuzana Fílová and Róbert Selvek.