Pavel Surynek's Academic Page | List of News

List of News

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16th Oct 2013
Problems from the seminar on Decision Procedures and Verification (NAIL094) were posted. »»
16th Oct 2013
Slides and video from Decision Procedures and Verification (NAIL094) were posted. »»
14th Oct 2013
Notice that office hours are canceled on next Tuesday. »»
9th Oct 2013
A video from Decision Procedures and Verification (NAIL094) is being posted. »»
9th Oct 2013
Duties page of Decision Procedures and Verification (NAIL094) has been updated. »»
9th Oct 2013
Slides from Decision Procedures and Verification (NAIL094) have been posted. »»
8th Oct 2013
Next seminar on Logic (NAIL062) will be canceled. »»
8th Oct 2013
Points from Logic (NAIL062) have been updated. »»
6th Oct 2013
Office hours scheduled for winter term. »»
3rd Oct 2013
Decision Procedures and Verification (NAIL094) are scheduled on Wednesday at 9:00. »»
30th Sep 2013
Teaching section prepared for upcoming semester. »»
22nd Sep 2013
List of publication has been updated (KEOD 2013, Znalosti 2013, IROS 2013). »»
25th Aug 2013
A new version of yeRCH powered site search is on-line. »»
18th Jul 2013
A benchmark included in SAT Competition 2013. »»
8th Jul 2013
Some of recently accepted papers are listed. »»
8th Jul 2013
Office hours changed. »»
18th Jun 2013
Duties page of Programming II (NPRM045) has been updated. »»
3rd Jun 2013
Office hours changed. »»
26th May 2013
Duties page of Automata and Grammars (NTIN071) has been updated. »»
22nd May 2013
Results of the short test from Programming II (NPRM045) are on-line. »»

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