Pavel Surynek's Academic Page | List of News

List of News

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15th Oct 2012
Short tests from Logic (NAIL062) announced. »»
15th Oct 2012
Software projects and software practice are on-line. »»
11th Oct 2012
Duties page of Decision Procedures and Verification (NAIL094) has been updated. »»
11th Oct 2012
Duties page of Logic (NAIL062) has been updated. »»
6th Oct 2012
Duties page of Decision Procedures and Verification (NAIL094) has been updated. »»
6th Oct 2012
Link to the Seminar on Artificial Intelligence I (NAIL004) is on-line. »»
6th Oct 2012
Duties page of Logic (NAIL062) has been updated. »»
6th Oct 2012
Seminar on Logic (NAIL062) is on-line. »»
18th Sep 2012
Research fellowship at Kobe University has been finished. »»
8th Sep 2012
Articles and presentations from ECAI 2012 and PRICAI 2012 are on-line. »»
29th Aug 2012
Path-finding section has been updated »»
20th Aug 2012
Some new articles are listed in the publications section (SoCS 2012) »»
20th Jul 2012
Resume section has been updated. »»
20th Jul 2012
Research section has been updated (editorial board membership ...). »»
20th Jul 2012
Articles and presentations from ICMLC 2012 and JSAI 2012 are on-line. »»
25th Jun 2012
New theses supervised and reviewed. »»
23rd May 2012
An ECAI 2012 paper (acc.rate = 25%) and a JSAI 2012 paper have been accepted. »»
23rd May 2012
Presentations from some recent invited talks are on-line. »»
17th May 2012
A PRICAI 2012 paper has been accepted (acc.rate = 25%). »»
2nd Mar 2012
Watch a cooperative path-finding VIDEO now ! »»

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