Pavel Surynek's Academic Page | List of News

List of News

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17th Jun 2011
The available capacity for project supervising has been updated. »»
3rd Jun 2011
The new article is on-line in the publications section (SCAI 2011). »»
3rd Jun 2011
Research and resume sections have been updated (article reviewing). »»
3rd Jun 2011
The list of supervised and reviewed theses has been updated. »»
2nd Jun 2011
Duties page of the Seminar on Satisfiability (NAIL092) has been updated. »»
31st May 2011
Results of the second test from Automata and Grammars (NTIN071) are on-line. »»
29th May 2011
Notice that office hours have changed for the summer period. »»
12th May 2011
A presentation on SAT Preprocessing from the Seminar on Satisfiability (NAIL092) is on-line. »»
11th May 2011
Duties page of the Seminar on Satisfiability (NAIL092) has been updated. »»
11th May 2011
Duties page of Automata and Grammars (NTIN071) has been updated. »»
4th May 2011
Duties page of Automata and Grammars (NTIN071) has been updated. »»
4th May 2011
The date of a second test from Automata and Grammars (NTIN071) has been announced. »»
4th May 2011
Duties page of the Seminar on Satisfiability (NAIL092) has been updated. »»
4th May 2011
A new version of Hardgen is on-line. »»
27th Apr 2011
Duties page of the Seminar on Satisfiability (NAIL092) has been updated. »»
27th Apr 2011
Duties page of Automata and Grammars (NTIN071) has been updated. »»
21st Apr 2011
Program of the Seminar on Satisfiability (NAIL092) has been updated. »»
21st Apr 2011
Duties page of the Seminar on Satisfiability (NAIL092) has been updated. »»
21st Apr 2011
Duties page of Automata and Grammars (NTIN071) has been updated. »»
19th Apr 2011
A new code (Hardgen) for the Seminar on Satisfiability (NAIL092) is on line. »»

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