Pavel Surynek's Academic Page | List of News

List of News

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20th Sep 2010
Decision Procedures and Verification for the new academic year is on-line. »»
5th Sep 2010
Office hours changed. »»
5th Sep 2010
A new topic for a project or a thesis is on-line. »»
5th Sep 2010
Recent technical reports have been included in ITI Series. »»
27th Aug 2010
The full text of the tech. report "Abstract Path Planning for Multiple Robots: An Empirical Study" is on line. »»
26th Aug 2010
Links section has been rearranged. »»
23rd Aug 2010
The presentation from ECAI STeDy 2010 Workshop is on-line. »»
23rd Aug 2010
The full text of the tech. report "Abstract Path Planning for Multiple Robots: A Theoretical Study" is on line. »»
22nd Aug 2010
Office hours changed for the summer period. »»
13th Aug 2010
Available capacity for theses supervising updated. »»
5th Aug 2010
Resume section has been updated (PC membership). »»
1st Aug 2010
A list of upcomming works is on-line in Publications section. »»
23rd Jul 2010
Office hours changed for the summer period. »»
22nd Jul 2010
An AAAI paper is on-line in Publications section. »»
1st Jul 2010
sigmaSAT: a new experimental package for SAT solving is on-line. »»
30th Jun 2010
A new version of SSAT is on-line. »»
29th Jun 2010
An invited talk from Multi-agent seminar at FEL, ÈVUT is on-line. »»
29th Jun 2010
Activities section has been updated - new theses defended. »»
14th Jun 2010
A new article in Publications section. »»
11th Jun 2010
Several items moved from Research section to Software section. »»

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